Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Assessment of students’ performance in mathematics at Mambusao National High School 

      Amaba, Generose M.; Llasus, Angela M.; Verde, Shannen M. (Burias Campus, Capiz State University, 2018-03)
      This study was conducted at Mambusao National High School, Tumalalud, Mambusao, Capiz during the School Year 2016-2017. This study aimed to determine the level of performance and attitude of the respondents in mathematics ...
    • Strategies in teaching dance of physical education teachers of Capiz State University 

      Emilia, Samantha J-Loe L.; Layes, Jennifer L.; Villasis, Renejoy P. (Burias Campus, Capiz State University, 2019-04)
      This study was conducted at Capiz State University, Burias Campus during 2nd Semester of Academic Year of 2018-2019 to answer the following questions: What are the personal characteristics of the respondents in terms of ...