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dc.contributor.advisorDionisio, Pamela G.
dc.contributor.authorQuia, Angelemie A.
dc.contributor.authorJano, Shella Jean G.
dc.contributor.authorFlorentino, Leonardo Jr Z.
dc.identifier.citationQuia, A.A., Jano, S.J.G., & Florentino, L.Z. (2017). Smoked fish congee [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Burias Campus]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.en
dc.description.abstractCongee is made by cooking rice in a large amount of water for a period of time. Thus adding special ingredients, herbs and spices helps support spleen, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, digestive system, and blood circulation. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine and physicians encourage eating congee to nourish the body and to promote good health. On the other hand, smoked fish is generally done for the unique taste and flavour imparted by the smoking process. It is relatively high in protein and low in saturated fat. The health benefits of smoked fish congee are important factors why the proponents decided to offer new innovative taste of smoked fish congee to the consuming public. The target market of the study are the students, employees, by-passers, and the people in the Municipality of Mambusao. The ALS partnership will cater 1,882 customers in 2018; 1,913 customers in 2019; 1,996 customers in 2020; 2,056 in 2021; and 2,118 customers in 2022. The proposed business has the capacity to produce 120 cups (16 oz.) per day and is assumed to increase by 40 (16 oz.) cups every year of operation. The business will start by establishing a food cart at Villareal Highway, Poblacion Proper Mambusao, Capiz. The management will use words of mouth, streamer and flyer to inform the public regarding the innovative product offering. The price is Php 10.00 is determined by using the mark-up pricing strategy. The business will be registered as general partnership form of business having ALS partnership as business name. It will be operated by a manager who will be in-charge in managing the day-to-day operation and cook who will be responsible for the preparation, cooking and purchasing of materials needed in the production. The required initial investment for the business is P55,514.10 in which all partners will equally divide among themselves including all profit and losses. Based on the results of study, it was found out that the business is proven to be feasible due to the positive result of the net present value which is Php 118.67, two years and five months payback period that the investors could recover from investment. The return on investment of the business 37.49% which is favorable to the investors and the internal rate on return is 23.11002% which means that the business is worth investing.en
dc.publisherBurias Campus, Capiz State Universityen
dc.subjectSmoked fishen
dc.subject.lcshSmoked fishen
dc.subject.lcshFeasibility studiesen
dc.subject.lcshCongee--Therapeutic useen
dc.titleSmoked fish congeeen
dc.contributor.chairDionisio, Pamela G.
dc.contributor.committeememberEspino, Ben Hur B.
dc.contributor.committeememberLorenzo, Aldin C. administrationen State University Burias Campusen of Science in Business Administrationen
dc.subject.agrovocsmoked fishen of Managementen

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