Eco-tourism value of Lolet's Eco Park
This study was conducted to measure the ecotourism value of Lolet's Eco Park in Dao, Capiz. Most of the numbers of respondents were female at the time of the study who were guests of the resort, majority of them were single, and in terms of age most of them were 21 years old and below, college level and they are dominated by those in the teaching jobs when it comes to profession.
The respondents' perception on the different practices/amenities of Lolet's Eco Park have favorable result and also in terms of management and eco-tourism value. The significant difference of the perception of the respondents in terms of point of origin means that it affects on how they perceive the eco-tourism value of the place. The economic status and educational status of the respondents does not affect the perception of the respondents on the eco-tourism value of Lolet's Eco Park.
Recommended Citation
Gariando, A.S., Dayday, J.A., Faca, J.R., & Tranquilino, A.F. (2018). The value of Lolet's Eco-park [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Sigma Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Tourism ManagementDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Tourism ManagementDegree Level
Tourism and Hospitality Management DepartmentCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]