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dc.contributor.advisorPalomar, Cherry Joy A.
dc.contributor.authorMarquez, Rena V.
dc.contributor.authorBorja, Glenda A.
dc.contributor.authorValdez, Lorefee D.
dc.identifier.citationMarquez, R.V., Borja, G.A., & Valdez, L.D. (2023). GREE force game [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Mambusao Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.en
dc.description.abstractThe GREE Force Game was developed from April 2022 to July 2023. This study was conducted at Capiz State University Mambusao Satellite College and developed at Capiz State University Mambusao Satellite College Poblacion Mambusao Capiz from April 2022- July 2023. This study's general objective was to develop and design an educational game in science for 1-year college students. Specifically, it aims to: create a system that helps the user to their knowledge in biology, design a system that will give the user sufficient reference and information in the field of biology, develop a system that allows and encourage the user to enhance learning performance, explore and learn at the same time, determine the acceptability of the proposed system in terms of functional suitability, maintainability, performance efficiency, compatibility, reliability, usability, security, and portability. The result showed that Gree Force an educational Game in science for first- year college students. Provides knowledge, enjoyment, learning performance, and entertainment while playing. Help the student to cope with their lesson easily; and was interpreted as "Highly Acceptable" as a supplemental tool in learning in terms of functional suitability, maintainability, performance efficiency, compatibility, reliability, usability, security, and portability with the grand mean of 4.61.en
dc.publisherMambusao Satellite College, Capiz State Universityen
dc.subjectEducational gamesen
dc.subjectComputer aided learningen
dc.subjectComputer programming languagesen
dc.subject.lcshEducational gamesen
dc.subject.lcshComputer aided instructionen
dc.subject.lcshComputer programming languagesen
dc.subject.lcshWord games -- Computer programsen
dc.titleGREE force gameen
dc.contributor.chairPalomar, Cherry Joy A.
dc.contributor.committeememberPula, Leo B.
dc.contributor.committeememberBraña, Nicholas IV V. Scienceen State University Mambusao Satellite Collegeen of Science in Computer Scienceen Science Departmenten

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