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dc.contributor.advisorPenetrante, Mary O' T.
dc.contributor.authorArcega, Ian B.
dc.identifier.citationArcega, I. B. (2017). Determinants of faculty engagement in private higher education institutions in Roxas City: Inputs to an institutional faculty development plan (Unpublished Doctoral dissertation). Central Philippine University, Jaro, Iloilo City.en
dc.description.abstractEngagement is fostered by time and commitment, by educating, inspiring leaders and undertaking social interactions to transform the institutions to become competitive. This is an exploratory-inferential study. It utilized a one-shot survey design. A three-part researcher-made questionnaire was used. This study covered 180 regular fulltime faculty from four HEIs in Roxas City. This study aimed to determine the determinants in the level of faculty engagement by recommending inputs to an institutional faculty development plan. Specifically, it will describe the personal profile and status of work related factors; determine the levels of faculty engagement based on needs and work related factors; determine the levels of significant difference in their level of engagement when they are grouped according to work related factors; determine if there is a significant difference in the determinants of faculty engagement by their personal related factors, and determine which among the determinants has the strongest influence in faculty level of engagement. The respondents were millennial and in a female-dominated academes. Their modal gross monthly income was PHP 20,000 and below, teaching in college and in different areas of specialization. The status of work related factors was favorable to the faculty. There was a high significant difference and strong relationship on the level of faculty engagement and work related factors. All variables are interrelated and have its roles. After the analyses, a Guro Engagement Model was proposed.en
dc.publisherCentral Philippine Universityen
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectFaculty engagementen
dc.subject.lcshHigher education and stateen
dc.subject.lcshUniversities and colleges--Facultyen
dc.titleDeterminants of faculty engagement in private higher education institutions in Roxas Cityen
dc.title.alternativeInputs to an institutional faculty development planen
dc.contributor.chairCrucero, Teresita E.
dc.contributor.committeememberIllenberg, Anita U.
dc.contributor.committeememberTajanlangit, Mario A.
dc.contributor.committeememberHernandez, Carmen N. Managementen Philippine Universityen of Managementen Programsen

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