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dc.contributor.advisorAgupitan, Cynthia D.
dc.contributor.authorBargo, Mariel P.
dc.contributor.authorBillones, Chrizel Mie
dc.identifier.citationBargo, M.P. & Billones, C.M. (2024). Level of Job Satisfaction of Pilar Satellite College Contractual Faculty at Capiz State University [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.en
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to determine the Level of Job Satisfaction of Contractual Faculty at Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College. The date collected using a standardized questionnaire and was analyzed using statement, mean, standard Deviation, and verbal Description. The results of the study revealed several key findings regarding the demographics and perceptions of contractual faculty members. Out of the 17 respondents, the majority were male and single, with ages ranging from 26 to 30 years old. All of them, held bachelor degrees and had been teaching for 1 to 5 years. Additionally, many respondents had participated in regional seminar training programs, indicating commitment to professional development. However, despite their participation in training programs, respondents expressed dissatisfaction with various aspects of their compensation and benefits. They disagreed with the competitiveness and adequacy of their salary, as well as the proportionality of fringe benefits such as Pag-ibig, etc. Furthermore, incentives were not perceived as fair, leading to an overall sentiment that their compensation and benefits did not meet their needs adequately.en
dc.publisherPilar Satellite College, Capiz State Universityen
dc.subjectJob Satisfactionen
dc.subjectContractual facultyen
dc.subjectSalary adequacyen
dc.subjectCompensation and benefitsen
dc.titleLevel of Job Satisfaction of Pilar Satellite College Contractual Faculty at Capiz State Universityen
dc.contributor.chairAgupitan, Cynthia D.
dc.contributor.committeememberBorgonia, Evelyn B.
dc.contributor.committeememberAlferes, Apple Joy A.
dc.contributor.committeememberBorres, Joesan D. Resource Managementen State University Pilar Satellite Collegeen of Science in Business Administrationen Administrationen

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