Performance of yellow flint corn in different distances
This study was conducted to determine the effect of different distances to the growth and yield performance of yellow flint corn. Specifically, this study was conducted with the following objectives: 1) to find out the height of yellow flint corn in centimeter 20, 40, 60 days after planting; 2) to determine which different distances would give the best yield to yellow flint corn in terms of; number of corn kernels per sample plant, weight of corn ears per sample plant, length of corn ears per sample plant, circumference of corn ear per sample plant, herbage yield per plot.
An experimental area of 315 square meters was laid out in four blocks with three replications. Each block was assigned randomly with measurements of 4m x 5m with a pathway of 0.5m provided between plots.
The yellow flint corns in different distances were as follows: Treatment A (20cm x 60cm per hill), Treatment B (25cm x 60cm per hill) Treatment (30cm x 60cm per hill and Treatment D (35cm x 60cm per hill).
The study consisted of four treatments and replicated three times was arranges in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The data was statistically analyzed following the procedures of the analysis of variance for a single factor experiment in a randomized design. The result of this study was tested both at 5% and 1% levels of significance. The significant differences among treatments were tested using the DMRT test.
Results of the experiment revealed the different distances in four treatment did not significantly affect the plant height 20, 40, 60 DAP, number of corn kernels per sample plant, weight of corn ear per sample plant, length of corn ears per sample plant, circumference of corn ear per sample plants, herbage yield per plot. However highly significant results were recorded to average number of corn kernel per sample plant.
Performance of yellow flint cornSubject
Recommended Citation
Tungala, C.B., & Casuncad, K.S. (2016). Performance of yellow flint corn in different distances [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.