Acceptability of siopao made of mackerel scad
The study was conducted at Capiz State University Sigma Satellite College during the first semester of 2017-2018. This was conducted to determine the sensory quality and general acceptability of mackerel scad in making siopao filling. This study has four treatments which three replications. The data were collected using evaluation sheet. Fifteen evaluators were invited to evaluate sensory quality of the samples. It consists of instructors, students, and community members. Mean and ANOVA were the statistical tools used to analyze the data gathered. The study found out that, generally, the accepted treatment in making mackerel scad filling was treatment B (75% mackerel scad and 25% potato). Appearance, aroma, taste and texture are variables that were significantly affected by the amount mackerel scad used.
Siopao Mackarel scad PorkRecommended Citation
Elizares, C.J.D., Perocho, C.E., Sigaton, J.C., & Verbaula, M.F. (20219). Acceptability of siopao made of mackerel scad [Undergrduate thesis, Capiz state university ]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
- Undergraduate Theses [397]