Employees job performance during COVID 19 pandemic in the municipal government of Panitan, Capiz
The study was conducted to find out employees' perceived level of job performance and their significant relationships. It covered 75 permanent employees in the municipal government of Panitan, Capiz, who were purposely chosen as respondents of the study. This research utilized a descriptive-quantitative design. Data were interpreted using mean and standard deviation. Spearman’s rho was used to determine the relationship between job performance and COVID-19 pandemic experiences. The results were interpreted based on the job performance, and COVID-19 pandemic experiences categories. Data revealed that most of the respondents' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic were average; thus, the pandemic does not have much effect on the employees of the Municipality of Panit-an, Capiz.
Abstract only
Job performance Perceived level Employees COVID-19 pandemic Experiences Descriptive -qualitativeRecommended Citation
Baslan, G.B., Delfin, A.G., & Demingoy, A.B. (2023). Employees job performance during COVID 19 pandemic in the municipal government of Panitan, Capiz [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Business AdministrationDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Business AdministrationDegree Level
College of ManagementCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]