Academic performance of 4P's beneficiaries in Marciano M. Patricio National High School
This study was conducted to determine the Academic performance of 4P`s Beneficiaries in Marciano M. Patricio National High School. This study has the following objectives 1. To find out the socio-demographic profile of the respondents 2. To determine the Academic performance of 4P`s beneficiaries in Marciano M. Patricio National High School 3. To determine the significant difference between socio demographic profile and academic performance in terms of age, sex, and educational attainment of the respondent. This study was conducted at Marciano M. Patricio Nation High School using a descriptive type of research with 30 4P`s beneficiary`s student as respondents. A questionnaire was the instruments used to gathered data from the respondents. Frequency counts percentage and T-test were the statistical tools used to analyze the data. Result revealed that the academic performance of 4P`s beneficiaries were 85 percent which is a satisfactory grade. There is no significant difference between socio-demographic profit and academic performance in terms of age sex education attainment of the respondent.
The distribution of respondents according to their age, Out of 30 respondent from Marciano M. Patricio National High School, 19 respondent or 63 percent were on the age bracket of 12-15 years old. Majority of respondent of Marciano M. Patricio National High School. We`re 12-15 years old. This implies that majority of the 4P`s beneficiaries are ages 12-15 years old. According to their sex out of 30 respondents in Marciano M. Patricio National High School, 18 respondent or 60 percent were female and 12 respondent or 40 percent were male. Majority of respondents of Marciano M. Patricio National High School were female. This implies that majority of the 4P`s beneficiaries are females. Out of 30 mother`s respondents, 12 or 40 percent were elementary graduates, 17 or 57% were high school graduates, and 1 or 3 percent were college graduates.
The distribution of respondent according to their parents’ educational attainment, Out of the 30 respondents, 17 0r 57 percent elementary graduates, 12 or 40 percent were high school graduates, and 1 o 3 percentage were college graduates. This implies that most mother`s respondents were high school graduates, and most father`s respondents were elementary graduates. This means that after finishing elementary and high school most of them started to have a family of their own. According their parent`s occupational status out of 30 mother`s respondents, 25 or 85 percent were unemployed, and 5 or 17 percent were unemployed. Out of the 30 father respondent 20 or 67 percent were unemployed, and 10 or 33 percent employed. This implies that most of the parents of the respondents were unemployed, and out 30 respondents, 22 or 73 percent has monthly income of Php 1,000.00 to Php 5,000.oo per month, and 8 or 27 percent Php 6,000.00 to Php 10`000.00 per month. This is because most of respondents were only laborers and housewives. Thus, this is not the hindrance for them support their needs of their family, through the help of 4P`s grant.
The distribution of respondents according to their academic performance. It shows that the general weighted average (GWA) of students 86.1818 or 2.024661 with the verbal interpretation of very satisfactory.
A t-test was conducted to determine the difference in the academic performance according to sex and age. With a p value of 0.268 and r 0.005 which is greater than 0.05 alpha on sex, there was no significant difference on the academic performance of the respondents when group according to sex. With a p value of 0.788 and r 0.001 which is greater than 0.05 alpha on age, there was no significant difference on the academic performance of the respondents when group according to age.
Academic performance 4P's beneficiariesRecommended Citation
Togle, M.I.D., Dela Cruz, R.B., & Rosco, J. (2023). Academic performance of 4P's beneficiaries in Marciano M. Patricio National High School [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Social WorkDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Social WorkDegree Level
Social WorkCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [430]