Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on small business in Casanayan, Pilar, Capiz
The study was conducted to determine the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Small Business in Casanayan Pilar, Capiz. This respondents of this study were twenty-five (25) business owners in Casanayan, Pilar, Capiz. This study used the descriptive research design. The research instrument used in gathering primary data is descriptive method and survey questionnaire, and were selected using purposive sampling technique. The statistical tools in this study were the frequency count, percentage and mean. The study’s results showed that most of the respondents were females in their middle aged and were married. They were college graduate, operating their business for 5 years and above and earning a monthly income of 25,000.00 below. The COVID 19 pandemic has an impact on the growth of small business such as inability to communicate with customers, decrease of supplies and losing customers due to the protocols that they follow. Respondents experience difficulty of buying products due to limited transportation, implemented best practice to keep their employee’s safety and government ordered business closure. Majority of the respondents have pledge personal asset, did not access loan and borrowed money from their relatives to be used as a strategy in order to cope with the problem they encountered. To enhance their skills and knowledge on how to improve their business, it was suggested that business owners may attend seminars and training about online platform conducted by the Department of Trade and Industry.
Keywords: Impact, COVID-19 Pandemic, Small Business, Sex, Age, Educational Attainment, Descriptive
Recommended Citation
Beraro, E.B., Clavero, J.V., Estrella, R.M.A., Lanzarote, R.C., Lampera, A.B., & Juarez, J.R.B. (2023). Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on small business in Casanayan, Pilar, Capiz [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Human Resource Development ManagementDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Business AdministrationDegree Level
Business AdministrationCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]