LET experiences of CAPSU Pontevedra BPEd graduates 2022
The qualitative descriptive study was conducted to describe the experiences in the Licensure Examination for Teachers of the pioneer batch of Bachelor of Physical Education in Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus, S.Y. 2021– 2022. An open-ended semi-structured interview guide was used to gather information and data from the Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd) graduates as informants of the study. The open ended and semi-structured questions were used from the interview which was content validated to ensure the reliability and appropriateness of the questions in accordance to the research questions of the study. The researchers selected the six (6) informants utilizing the purposive sampling. In analyzing the data gathered, the thematic analysis was used to identify significant themes within the response of the informants. The findings revealed that the informants of the study were struggling financially from the overall expenses throughout the licensure exam; others were having a hard time in time management due to certain situations; and it was hard for the informants to manage their time because they are still adjusting to their routine in their licensure journey. Furthermore, informants were struggling in the execution on their different activities due to the lack of facilities and equipment in their school which lead to the challenges of the informants in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). It also revealed that most of the informant’s decision on what review center to attend is crucial on their part because it is essential for them to have effective review center. The informants also have different study habits, just like some uses highlighter to effectively review their review materials. The most important to the informants is to organize what subject to study first to avoid confusion on which part to study and lead them to their review strategies. Lastly, it revealed that most of the informants are struggling in their physical and mental health during their LET journey. They emphasized the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle to be productive and effective in reviewing. Aside from the importance of having a healthy lifestyle it is important also to prepare necessary documents because it is a validation of their identity as examinees. Lastly, despite of the challenges that they encountered during their journey, they still emphasized the importance of having a positive mindset because it is important to not overthink and overstressed their mind and body to prepare them for the biggest battle of their lives. Regardless of these experiences, the Bachelor of Physical Education (BPEd) graduates of Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus were able to conquer and surpass LET 2023 with great pride and honor for they have successfully passed Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).
Abstract only
Licensure examination for teachers (LET) Bachelor of physical education (BPEd) LET experiences CAPSU PontevedraRecommended Citation
Bongabong, D., Dapulaza, F.C., & Degubaton, R.D. (2023.) LET experiences of CAPSU Pontevedra BPEd graduates 2022 [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pontevedra Campus]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.