Acceptability of cucumber blue ternate ice cream
The Experiment was conducted at the HRM Laboratory Room at CapSU-Pilar Campus from May 8 – 9, 2023 with the following objectives: Determine the sensory qualities of cucumber blue ternate ice cream in terms appearance, aroma, taste and texture. To find out if there is a significant difference in the sensory qualities of cucumber ice cream with blue ternate ice cream. A Completely Randomized Design (CRD) (Stone et al., 2012) to generate the data. Sample for evaluation were coded and score card were utilized for randomization. Product formulations was done before the conduct of the study for evaluation in three replications.
The study revealed that the cucumber blue ternate ice cream was extremely acceptable with a mean of 7.77 and was sensibly interpreted as very much liked as evaluated and tested by the panel of consumers. Specially, Treatment D (M=7.89) had the highest mean and is acceptable and was very much liked by consumers. It was followed by the Treatment A (M=7.78), Treatment C (M=7.78), Treatment B (M=7.74) and lastly, Treatment E (M=7.68) who got the lowest mean but was also considered as acceptable and was also very much liked by the consumers. The study revealed that 100% blue ternate Ice cream, Cream, 0% cucumber, 75%Blue ternate, 25% cucumber, 50% blue ternate, 50% cucumber, 25% blue ternate, 75% cucumber, 0% blue ternate, 100% cucumber, was acceptable and was also very much liked.
Recommended Citation
Aguihap, J.B.B., Benga-ora, P.S., Alabado, J., Reci, J.M.B., & Paalaman, D. (2023). Acceptability of cucumber blue ternate ice cream [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Hospitality ManagementDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality ManagementDegree Level
Hospitality ManagementCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]