Acceptability of pandesal enriched with kangkong leaves
This study was conducted at the HM Laboratory of BSHM Department in Capiz State University, Pilar Satellite College from May 25-26, 2023. Specifically, this study has the following objectives: To determine the sensory qualities of pandesal enriched with kangkong leaves in terms of appearance, aroma, taste and texture and general acceptability. To find out the cost and yield of pandesal enriched with kangkong leaves.
The experiment had four treatments and three replications; treatment A, 0 % of kangkong treatment B, ¼ cup of kangkong leaves, treatment C 1/3 cup treatment D, ½ cup of kangkong. The study was limited on the acceptability of Pandesal enriched with kangkong (ipomoea aquatic) The statistical tools used and interpret the data gathered were the mean and ANOVA and complete randomize design (CDR). The study revealed that the Pandesal enriched with kangkong leaves, treatment D got the highest mean in terms of appearance, flavor, texture, aroma, and general acceptability. Data further revealed that treatment A, B and C were verbally interpreted as Very Attractive. Study revealed that treatment A 0% of kangkong leaves, treatment B ¼ cup of kangkong leaves and treatment C 1/3 cup of kangkong leaves, treatment D ½ cup of kangkong leaves, got a mean which is verbally interpreted as Acceptable. It was also found out that the appearance and texture is not significally affected by the amount of kangkong leaves. For the flavor, treatment A and B got a mean which was verbally interpreted as Tasty. While treatment C and D got a mean which was verbally interpreted as Very Tasty. But if the producers prefer very smooth pandesal treatment B and D are good for them to use.
Recommended Citation
Bartolome, R.G., Palita, J.R.S., Dela Cruz, C.G., Bernardez, J.S., & Barrosa, D.B. (2023). Acceptability of pandesal enriched with kangkong leaves [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Hospitality ManagementDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality ManagementDegree Level
Hospitality ManagementCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]