Acceptability of squash - cucumber ice cream
This study was conducted from May 22-23, 2023 at the Laboratory Room of Capiz State University, Pilar Satellite College. Specially, this study has the following objectives: 1) to determine the acceptability of squash-cucumber ice cream in terms of appearance, aroma, texture, taste and general acceptability;2) to determine the significant difference in the acceptability of squash-cucumber ice cream in terms of appearance, aroma, texture, taste and general acceptability; 3) to determine the cost and yield of squash-cucumber ice cream. The experiment has four treatments and three replications; treatment A, 100% squash, treatment B, 75% squash and 25% cucumber puree, treatment C, 50% squash and 50% cucumber puree, treatment D, 25% squash and 75% cucumber puree. The statistical tools used to analyze and interpret the data gathered were the mean, standard deviation, and ANOVA.
The study revealed that the squash-cucumber ice cream was highly acceptable with a mean of 7.95 and was reasonably interpreted as liked very mush as evaluated and tested by the panel of costumers.
Analysis of Variance revealed that there was no significant difference in the acceptability of the level of the different treatments in squash-cucumber ice cream.
Recommended Citation
Buaya, M.J.D., Bandojo, J.V., Catunao, N.M., Firma, M.C., & Campo, J.G. (2023). Acceptability of squash - cucumber ice cream [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Hospitality ManagementDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Hospitality ManagementDegree Level
Hospitality ManagementCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]