Papaya Pastille (Carica jamaicensis)
This study was conducted at Capiz State University, Pilar Capiz on March 2018. Specially, this study had following objectives, 1. To determine acceptable treatment of papaya into pastille in terms of appearance, flavor, texture, and general acceptability, and 2. To determine the cost and yield of the product. The study attempted to develop a product from papaya into pastille .This was conducted at Capiz State University, Pilar Capiz. Thirty (30) panelist coming from BSHRM Department evaluated the product. Experimental method of investigation was used for the study. It utilized a single factor in a complete randomized design with five treatments replicated three times.
Results of the study revealed the ff. findings. Among the five treatment of papaya into pastille treatment A (55percents of papaya) obtained the highest mean score in terms of appearance and was rated as "extremely liked" by the panel. In terms of flavor, results revealed that treatment (15percents of papaya pure) got the highest score in the texture of papaya into pastille. However, the other three treatments, B (45percents of papaya pure) C (35percents of papaya pure) D (25percents of papaya puree) were also acceptable and "very much liked" by the panelist. As to the general acceptability of papaya made into pastille, the results revealed that treatment A (55percents) obtained the highest acceptability level and was rated as "extremely liked" by the panelist. As to the cost treatment using highest percentage of papaya pure obtained the highest cost. In term of yield, treatments using (55percents) of papaya puree obtained yield.
Recommended Citation
Bacinillo, A.A., & Sarabia, L.I. (2020). Papaya Pastille (Carica jamaicensis) [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Food and Beverage ServicesDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant ManagementDegree Level
Hotel and Restaurant ManagementCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]