Laing with smoked fish
The feasibility study sought to determine the acceptability and profitability of “Laing with Smoked Fish” in the Municipality of Mambusao. It was mainly conducted to determine the feasibility of producing and marketing “Laing with Smoked Fish” in terms of its market, technical, organizational and management, and financial aspects. The business is a general partnership form of organization and will be registered under the name of “V-RICH PARTNERSHIP” and will be managed by three (3) partners. The firm’s product will be marketed to the different households in the Municipality of Mambusao. The households of the municipality were chosen because of their purchasing power and accessibility to the market. Ninety-four percent (94%) of the respondents indicated their willingness and capacity to buy the proposed product. The proponents assumed that 10% of the potential market is the target market of the proposed product. The proposed business will be strategically located at Linan Sreet, Poblacion, Tabuc, Mambusao, Capiz. The proposed product, which is Laing with Smoke Fish, will be sold through direct distribution method at the price of Php37.00 per pack, which contains 340 grams. The contribution of each partner’s equity is the source of the financial needs of the proposed business. Each partner contributed an equal amount of Php34,700.00 to come up with the initial investment of the business with a total amount of Php104,100.00, which includes the start-up cost, fixed investment, and working capital. The business is financially profitable based on the financial statements of the business. The Return on Investment (ROI) is 34.88% which is favorable on the part of the investors to gain profit from their investment and a Payback Period of two (2) years and eight (8) months. Furthermore, the Net Present Value (NPV) of the business is Php39.60, which is a positive result and signifies that the business is profitable and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is 16%, which means that the proposed business is financially viable. Therefore, the proposed business is worth investing in and attractive to investors.
Recommended Citation
Villasis, W.F., Villas, R.T. & Vista, M.J.A. (2017). Laing with smoked fish [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Burias Campus]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Marketing ManagementDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Business AdministrationDegree Level
College of ManagementCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]