Technical and emotional problems encountered by CAPSU Pilar students on the online mode of learning
The study entitled, “Technical and Emotional Problems Encountered by CapSU Pilar Students on the Online Mode of Learning” was conducted on October 5, 2022 with the following objectives: 1) to determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, 2) to find out the status of internet connectivity at home, 3) to determine what are the gadgets used at home, 4) to find out the technical problems encountered, and 5) the emotional problems encountered by CapSU Pilar students.
Since the research study was conducted within pandemic umbrella, researchers were instructed to limit their respondents to 30. Thus, to conform to the standard healthy protocol of the University for COVID-19 pandemic, the survey questionnaires were administered using online platform (Google Forms) and were sent to the respondents through their email address and messenger account.
The data were collected with the use of three-part questionnaire: Part I contained the socio-demographic profile of the respondents, Part II contained statements about technical problems encountered by CapSU Pilar students on online mode of learning, and the Part III was all about emotional problems encountered by CapSU Pilar students on online mode of learning.
Data presented that majority of the respondents were in the age bracket of 21-23 with 16 out of 30 respondents and a percentage of 53.3, female with 22 respondents and percentage of 73.33, living in rural communities with 27 respondents and percentage of 90, and a family monthly income of 5000 and below responded by 21 respondents with a percentage of 70. Data revealed that the status of internet connectivity at home of the respondents during online learning is unstable with a percentage of 63.33. Furthermore, as checked what applies for the respondents, data shown
a minority of having a personal computer or laptop as a gadget used at home with a percentage of 43.3 and a majority of using android phone with a percentage of 90.
In terms of age, it can be implied that most soft college students who responded were coming from the higher years. In terms of sex, it was indicated that females are more active on social media or academic platforms compared to males, thus making studies more prior than the latter. In terms of type of community, the data implied that most of the respondents were located at far-flung areas surrounded by mountains and coasts as they are living in the municipality of Pilar which is a combination of both. In terms of family monthly income, it can be implied that majority of the respondents can be grouped into the poor families’ cluster.
Data further revealed that the respondents somewhat agreed both on the technical and emotional problems encountered as the grand mean calculated 3.51 and 3.66.
Recommended Citation
Bacanto, J.G., Bacay, C.M.V., Bacea, M.J.B., & Buates, C.B. (2023). Technical and emotional problems encountered by CAPSU Pilar students on the online mode of learning [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Social WorkDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Social WorkDegree Level
Social WorkCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]