Awareness level on special protection against child abuse (RA 7610) of faculty and students of Capiz State University, Pilar campus
This study was conducted to determine the level of awareness on Special Protection Against Child Abuse (RA 7610) of faculty and students of Capiz State University, Pilar Campus. Specifically, this study has the following objectives, 1. To find the socio demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, number of children educational attainment, occupation and monthly income, 2. To determine level of awareness on Special Protection Against Child Abuse (RA 7610) of faculty, 3. To determine level awareness on Special Protection Against Child Abuse (RA 7610) of students and 4. To find out if there is a significant difference between the awareness level on Special Protection Against Child Abuse (RA 7610) of faculty and students. This was conducted at Capiz State University Pilar Satellite Campus using descriptive type of research with 15 faculties and 15 students as respondents. A questionnaire was the instruments used to gather data from the respondents. Frequency counts, percentage, mean and t-test were the statistical tools used to analyzed the data. Result revealed that the faculties were strongly aware on the Special Protection Against Child Abuse with a total mean score of 4.26 while the students agree on the Special Protection Against Child Abuse with a total mean score of 4.01 and there is no significant difference between the level of awareness of faculty and students on the Special Protection Against Child Abuse.
Recommended Citation
Bueno, M.L.B., Cardenas, Y., & Bule, R.S. (2023). Awareness level on special protection against child abuse (RA 7610) of faculty and students of Capiz State University, Pilar campus [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Social WorkDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Social WorkDegree Level
Social WorkCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]