Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)anxiety: its relationship to academic performance
The study was conducted to determine the level of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) anxiety and its relationship to academic performance in different learning modalities of senior high school graduates enrolled at CAPSU Mambusao Satellite College during the Academic Year 2021-2022. The researchers gathered the data from 154 randomly selected freshman students using an adopted survey questionnaire. In the interpretation of data, frequency count, percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, t- test and Pearson's r were used. The study has the following findings: As to the profile of the respondents, majority of the respondents were females, mostly have mothers and fathers who reached high school only, have household income of Phpl0,000 and below, without comorbidity, living in town or city proper, graduated from public or State Universities and Colleges (SUCs), and modular distance learning as their mode of learning in senior high school. Most of the respondents were found to have "high" level of COVID-19 anxiety. Regardless of sex, mother's educational attainment, household income, health status, place of residence, type of high school graduated from and learning modality, respondents exhibited "high" level of anxiety. When grouped according to father's educational attainment, respondents whose fathers are elementary level, elementary graduate, high school level, and high school graduate had "high" level of anxiety while those whose fathers were college level and college graduate revealed "average" level of anxiety. Respondents were found to have a "satisfactory" academic performance amidst distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic. There were no significant differences in the level of COVID-19 anxiety of the respondents when grouped according to sex, parents' educational attainment, household income, health status, place of residence while schooling, type of high school graduated from, and leaning modality. There was no significant difference in the academic performance of the respondents when grouped according to learning modality. Finally, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) anxiety was not significantly related to academic performance.
Recommended Citation
Laysa, Z.L.F., Fabiano, K.L., Potato, A.M.A., Sebanes, A.L., & Vasquez, M.V. (2022). Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)anxiety: its relationship to academic performance [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Mambusao Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
English LanguageDegree Name
Bachelor of Arts in English LanguageDegree Level
English Language DepartmentCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [430]