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dc.contributor.advisorCandelario, Anna May E.
dc.contributor.authorDiaz, Ellen May L.
dc.contributor.authorBayaban, Girly Joy A.
dc.identifier.citationDiaz, E.M.L. & Bayaban, G.J. A. (2024). Perceived challenges by beneficiaries in Binaobawan Elementary School [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.en
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to find out the perceived challenges of the 4P’s beneficiaries of Binaobawan Elementary School. This study aims to draw the socio demographic characteristics of the respondents in terms of sex, age, parent’s occupation and estimated family monthly income and the challenges encountered by the 4P’s beneficiaries in Binaobawan Elementary School. Eighty (80) 4P’s beneficiaries comprised the respondents of the study. Data were gathered through a researcher-made questionnaire validated by experts. Results revealed that the majority of respondents were male, aged 10-13 years old, with fathers who are fisherman and mothers who are housewives with monthly income P5,000.00. Moreover, with regard the challenges experienced by the 4P’s recipients, results indicated dominant challenge experienced was on the socio-economic aspects indicating the need for financial assistance and opportunities. This challenge was followed by personal and academic challenge. It has been recommended that parents and beneficiaries seek other opportunities that can financially augment their needs.en
dc.publisherPilar Satellite College, Capiz State Universityen
dc.subjectSocial Scienceen
dc.subject4P’s Challengesen
dc.subjectBinaobawan 4Ps recipientsen
dc.titlePerceived challenges by beneficiaries in Binaobawan Elementary Schoolen
dc.contributor.chairCandelario, Anna May E.
dc.contributor.committeememberIgdanes, Leizyl B.
dc.contributor.committeememberCandare, Alita Rose B.
dc.contributor.committeememberBorres, Joesan D. Educationen State University Pilar Satellite Collegeen of Elementary Educationen Educationen

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