Acceptability of shrimp - squash patty
The objectives of this experimental study was to produce patty enhanced with shrimp and squash and to determine its general acceptability. Patty products were produced with five (5) treatments each. Treatment A utilized 350 grams of ground pork meat; Treatment B utilized 262. 5 grams of ground pork meat with 88 grams’ shrimp – squash as patty: Treatment C utilized 175 grams of ground pork with meat 175 grams – shrimp squash Treatment D utilized 87.5 grams ground pork meat with 262.5 grams’ shrimp squash meat; Treatment E utilized 350 grams’ shrimp-squash meat. The parameters included for evaluation were appearance, aroma, texture and taste. There were fifteen (15) evaluators who evaluated the products; five composed of instructors, five staff and five students of Capiz State University Sigma Satellite College. The results of the study revealed that all the five (5) treatments were acceptable but Treatment E got the highest mean score of 7.96 which is verbally interpreted as Very Much Acceptable. This implies that to have the generally acceptable patty made of shrimp-squash patty, used 350g shrimp and 0g squash. It was found out that there were no significant differences among treatments in terms of appearance, aroma, texture and taste.
Recommended Citation
Orosco, L.J., Vargas, R.E., & Gomugda, J.L. (2022). Acceptability of shrimp-squash patty [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Sigma Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.