Acceptability of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) into baye-baye

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The study would examine how ampalaya is converted into baye-baye (delicacy). The experiment was conducted at the HRM Laboratory Room at CapSU Pilar Campus from December 2022 – May 2023 with the following objectives of the study was to determine the acceptability of bitter gourd (momordica charantia) into a baye-baye among four treatments in terms of appearance, flavor, texture, aroma and general acceptability an to find out if there is a significant difference existed among four treatments and to determine the cost and yield of the four treatments. The study was limited on the acceptability of baye-baye using ampalaya. A completely randomized design was used in the study with four treatments and three replications. The panels of evaluators involved are 20 BSHM students and 10 Faculty members to determine the appearance, flavor, texture, aroma and general acceptability of ampalaya baye-baye. For the appearance, flavor, texture, aroma and general acceptability, the choice was extremely like, very much like, moderately like, slightly like, neither like or dislike, slightly dislike, moderately dislike, very much dislike and extremely dislike. The mean scores were used to determine the acceptability of ampalaya bae-baye as to appearance, flavor, texture, aroma and general acceptability. The mean scores were used to determine the acceptability of ampalaya baye-baye as to appearance, flavor, texture, aroma and general acceptability.
The researcher used the mean and standard deviation. To find out the cost and yield of ampalaya baye-baye the researchers used the cost and yield analysis. To determine the significant difference of four treatments, the researchers used the analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in a complete randomized design (CRD).
The study revealed that the baye-baye using ampalaya, treatment A, got the highest mean in terms of flavor, texture, aroma and general acceptability, treatment B and C got the highest mean in terms of appearance. Data further revealed that treatment 1 – 0% ampalaya flour, treatment B – 50% ampalaya flour, treatment C – 75% ampalaya flour, treatment D – 100% ampalaya flour was moderately liked by the costumers who evaluated the ampalaya baye-baye. The result further affirms that there is no significant difference that exists among the treatments with varying proportions of bittergourd (momordica charantia) into baye-baye in terms of appearance, aroma and texture since the significant is higher than 0.01 alpha level but there is a significant difference that exists among the treatments in terms of flavor and general acceptability since the significant is lower than 0.01 alpha level. In other words, all the treatments are the same and acceptable in terms of flavor and general acceptability.
Keywords: Appearance, flavor, texture, aroma and general acceptability.
Bitter ground Baye-bayeRecommended Citation
Bañes, E.A.B., Regalado, S.M., Salaya, M.D., Salvador, R.B., & Vargas, J.A.F. (2023). Acceptability of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) into baye-baye [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.