Acceptability of pickle made from malanga stem (Xanthosoma Atrovirens)
This study was conducted at Capiz State University Sigma Satellite College, Sigma Capiz A.Y. 2015-2016. Its primary objective was to find out the general acceptability of pickle made from Malanga Stem. This study has five treatments with three replications. The evaluators of this study were five faculty, five students of CapSU Sigma and five members of the community. The instruments used to gather data was an evaluation sheet. The statistical tools used to interpret the gathered data wear mean, ANOVA and LSD.
The study found out that the 50% papaya and 50% Malanga stem was the most acceptable. It was also found out that the sensory quality if pickle such as appearance, aroma, and taste was significantly affected by Malanga stem used.
Recommended Citation
Cancio, E.D., Valles, E.M.U., Jarcia, A.I., Gardose, A.G. (2017). Acceptability of pickle made from malanga stem (Xanthosoma Atrovirens) [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Sigma Satellite]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Technical EducationDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Industrial EducationDegree Level
Technology DepartmentCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [397]