The nutritional status and academic performance of selected students in Marciano National High School
The study aimed to assess the nutritional status and academic performance of 211 high school students at Marciano M. Patricio National High School, using a stratified sampling technique. The data was collected via a questionnaire divided into socio-demographic details and information on nutritional status and academic performance. Analysis showed that 54.50% of the respondents were female, with the majority of parents being high school graduates and most families having a monthly income of Php 1001-5000. Nutritional status results indicated that 71.10% were normal, 21.33% overweight, 4.74% wasted, 2.37% severely wasted, and 0.46% obese. Academic performance findings revealed that 48.34% had very satisfactory grades, 45.97% satisfactory, 3.32% outstanding, and 2.37% fairly satisfactory. The study concluded that there is no significant relationship between the nutritional status and academic performance of the students.
nutritional status academic performanceRecommended Citation
Amido, C.P., Asparin, Q., Celoso, R., & Dema, A. (2024). The nutritional status and academic performance of selected students in Marciano National High School [Undergraduate thesis, Capiz State University Pilar Satellite College]. CAPSU Institutional Repository.
ThesisDegree Discipline
Social WorkDegree Name
Bachelor of Science in Social WorkDegree Level
Social WorkCollections
- Undergraduate Theses [430]